(+55) 254. 254. 254
Helios Tower 75 Tam Trinh Hoang Mai - Ha Noi - Viet Nam
Reality drama
Kenya is the no. 1 country on the memes scale! We are a country of dramas. I spend most of my day scouring over memes from Kenyans of all walks of life.
Life is hard, yes, but laughter is the best medicine! We can’t control our politicians and our wayward lovers, friends, etc but we can control our happiness! True? You tell me.
Reality Drama explores the dramas that define our daily living, we raise the bar on what tickles our social fancies as a nation. You can’t miss this show for the world! Cancel your holiday, stop your meetings, stand up your date! This show is worth the pain.
There will be stories from real people, real events, real twists! Prepare to laugh, cry, pee, or whatever else you do when you are super excited! You will not be the same after this show! ( I mean it!)
So call in sick, get your popcorn out, bolt the door and put your out of office on!
The first show coming soon! You have been warned!